
Enhanced contiguous arrays in Racking Arrays API

The List Racking Arrays API now lists all contiguous arrays in the adjacent_arrays field so you can easily identify arrays that can be racked together. For example, when array A is adjacent to array B, and array B is adjacent to array C, adjacent_arrays field will now indicate that A and C are part of a contiguous grouping of panels. With enhanced contiguous array data, you can, among other things, better model your racking system designs to match panel placement on the roof.


Base price per watt range in Users API

The Users API now includes two fields, base_price_per_watt_max and base_price_per_watt_min, for managing an allowable base price-per-watt (PPW) range, adding guardrails for users who interact with pricing, and protecting margins on sold projects. The fields can be written using the Update User or Create User APIs, and read using the Retrieve User API. When a design's base PPW is changed to conflict with the PPW rule for the project's assigned user, a warning will appear in app for that user and anyone with access to the project.


Design deleted webhook event

You can now subscribe to the design_deleted webhook event. The webhook payload can include <PROJECT_ID> and <DESIGN_ID>. This webhook event will fire when a design is deleted in the Aurora app, enabling your IT ecosystem (e.g., CRM) to stay in sync with design data in Aurora.


Place Pathways API

Place Pathways API and webhook are now available as part of Design API. With Place Pathways API, you can automatically and instantaneously add fire pathways that meet code requirements to a design before using the AutoDesigner API to design the rest of your system. Place pathways will run using the AHJ data associated with a project, or you can optionally pass a IFC code_year.


List Project Assets API

With List Project Assets API, you can view project assets uploaded using the Create Assets API. Project asset objects will now contain a temporary_access_url with a link to download the file. The link has temporary access and will expire after 24 hours. Links are regenerated on each request.


CAD auto screenshot in Assets API - generally available

The CAD auto-saved screenshots are now generally available. The CAD screenshot automatically captured on last in-app save in Aurora can be accessed using the Retrieve Assets API. You can include the screenshot with the rest of Aurora summary that you publish to your IT ecosystem. The relevant tutorial can be found here.


Component type in Design Pricing

line_items array returned by Retrieve Design Pricing API endpoint now includes the component_type of each line item (e.g., “modules”, “inverters”). With the component type information, you and your systems will have greater visibility into what’s being priced in each Aurora design.


“Updated at” timestamps

Project and Agreement resources come with updated_at field now. You can access these fields using Retrieve Project and Retrieve Agreement Sync API endpoints. With the update timestamps, you can be sure that your software responsible for syncing Aurora with your IT ecosystem has processed all recently updated projects and agreements.


“Created at” timestamps

Project, Design, and Agreement API resources come with created_at field now. You can access these fields using the following Sync API endpoints. With the timestamps, you can be sure that your software responsible for syncing Aurora with your IT ecosystem has processed all newly created projects, designs and agreements.


Adjacent arrays in Racking Arrays API

The List Racking Arrays API now includes information on the relative positions of adjacent arrays so that you can easily identify filler rows and staggered panels that can be racked together.