
Agreements API

(Private Beta)
If you're using Aurora's contract manager feature, you can access a list of outstanding agreements, status, and a link to completed agreements via Agreements API. Note that the contract manager is currently only available as a part of Sales Mode.

The following agreement statuses are available:

  • Sent | Sent to Customer
  • Viewed | Viewed by Customer
  • Signed | Signature Request Complete
  • Declined | Declined by Recipient
  • Error Statuses
    • signature_request_email_bounce | Error: Signature Email Bounce
    • signature_request_invalid | Error: Signature Request Invalid
    • file_error | Error: File Error
    • unknown_error/all other errors | Unknown Error

The API doesn't allow the retrieval of agreement documents at the moment. In order to retrieve the PDF copy of an agreement, the user can click on a deep-link (with the project and design IDs) to be taken to the agreements page in Sales Mode for download.