
Height in Roof Summary API

Roof Summary API now returns the effective mean roof height and the mean height for each roof face. Measured in accordance with ASCE 7-16, the effective mean roof height is calculated as the highest mean height of roof faces with panels on them. With the roof height information, you can streamline your roof replacement quoting as well as post-sale solar workflows including racking system design.

"roofs": [
      "units_of_measurement": "Imperial",
      "shape": "gable",
      "area": 1500,
      "modules_area": 750,
      "effective_mean_height": 25,
			"faces": [
          "units_of_measurement": "Imperial",
          "area": 1000,
          "modules_area": 500,
          "panels": true,
          "mean_height": 25,