
Metric units in Roof Summary API

Retrieve Roof Summary API will deliver measurements based on the default Units setting for the tenant. For example, if your tenant’s Units are set to “Metric,” measurements in Roof Summary API will be in meters and sq. meters. If Units are set to “Imperial,” the measurements will be in feet and sq. feet. With the measurement system of your choice in Roof Summary, your developers will be even more productive building and operating integrations using Sync API.

"roofs": [
      "units_of_measurement": "Metric",
      "area": 1500,
      "modules_area": 750,
      "pitch": 20,
      "panels": true,
      "edges_length": {
        "eave": 100,
        "hip": 100,
        "rake": 100,
        "ridge": 100,
        "valley": 100