
Ground mount flag in Design Summary API

You can now identify grounded-mounted arrays using the ground_mounted field in Design Summary API. The flag indicates whether panels are mounted on the ground (true) or on a roof surface (false). With the new field, you can apply alternative solar workflows to ground mounts.

  "design": {
    "arrays": [
        "ground_mounted": true,
        "size": 6500,
        "azimuth": 271.61,
        "module": {
          "id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
          "manufacturer": "Sunpreme",
          "rating_stc": 300.25,
          "name": "SNPM GxB 300",
          "count": 11,
          "orientation": "landscape"