API Reference

Retrieve Design Summary

Retrieve the summary of a design.

This action allows you to pass back Aurora design information into your own systems. You will likely call this endpoint after a user has modified a design within the Aurora application and intends to return back to the portal or primary application he/she originally came from (Salesforce, SugarCRM...).

The design summary contains a field called 'arrays'. The contents of the field is a JSON string containing details of the solar system designed. Each array is a group of solar modules that have the same roof face, module model, azimuth, pitch, orientation (portrait vs. landscape), MLPE (module level power electronics, such as microinverter or dc-optimizer) and which connect to the same MPPT within a string inverter. Example: let's assume you have a house with a simple gable roof ('A'-roof), where one side is south-facing and the other north. Furthermore, let's assume that that you install a 8kW system consisting of 32 x 250 Watt modules. 8 of them on the north-facing roof and 24 of them on the south-facing roof connecting to two different inverters. There would be 2 arrays in the design summary, one with "face = 1" and the other with "face = 2". Please note that the "face" IDs are not guaranteed to reflect the same directionality (i.E. face 1 is not guaranteed to be South), instead they are a way of grouping arrays located on the same roof face. The "face" IDs are not included in the layout DXF files.

Continuing the example above, connecting 8 of the 24 modules on the south-facing roof to microinverters, 8 to DC optimizers and stringing the remaining 8 to a central inverter would result in a total of 4 arrays in the design summary (one due to the roof face and 3 due to the usage of MLPE's and/or a central string inverter).

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