API Reference


For each design you can generate a proposal - that is, in turn, based on a proposal template - to present a solar installation to the homeowner. Proposals can be presented in person through the Aurora web application, sent digitally via a shared link, or shared as a PDF document.

Proposal Templates

Your Administrator configures which proposal templates can be used in your tenant using the Aurora Database. Aurora provides pre-made templates and your Administrator can create custom proposal templates. Your Administrator can create and update proposal templates with off-the-shelf content blocks including charts, tables, dynamic images, data points called “variables” and more.

If you’re using Partner Management in your tenant, you can assign a template to be available to select partners. Also, Partner users with roles that include Set Default Template and Edit Template permissions can set their organization’s default proposal template and create and edit templates.

Example list of proposal templates in the database

Example list of proposal templates in the tenant's database

Example proposal template preview

Example proposal template preview

Example proposal template in the template editor

Example proposal template in the template editor

Role with Set default and Edit proposal templates

Role with Set default and Edit proposal templates


Users in your Aurora tenant can use the proposal templates defined in the Database to generate a proposal for a design. When the proposal is generated, it is populated with project and design data. You can generate a shareable link to the interactive web view of the proposal either via the share button in the web interface or via sync API endpoints. You can also generate a PDF via the share button in the web interface.

Example proposal for a design

Example proposal for a design