API Reference

Create Project

Create a new project.

A project within Aurora contains important customer information such as the address, latitude/longitude. Aurora allows you to specify your primary key of a customer/client within Aurora's system under the field external_provider_id. This allows you to map your client/customer record to Aurora's project.

The address and latitude/longitude coordinates on the Project are designed to be as consistent as possible. They represent the location of the project but not necessarily the specific building that should have the solar installation.

You must pass in an address or latitude/longitude coordinates. Here are the different combinations for passing in an address and latitude/longitude coordinates:

  • If you only pass the address, we will calculate the latitude/longitude coordinates from that address.
    This latitude/longitude may or may not represent the actual building that should have the solar installation.

  • If you only pass latitude/longitude coordinates that fall within the property line, we will calculate the address from these coordinates. We set the customer address to this calculated address.

  • If you pass both the address and the latitude/longitude coordinates of the building that should have the solar installation, we will set them as passed in.

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