API Reference

Design Assets

A design asset is a file that was created within Aurora or uploaded by another app via API for a specific design. Design assets are binary assets that include screenshots, DXF files or PDFs. For example, when a user takes a CAD screenshot in the CAD view (2D or 3D) or generates a layout DXF file, the asset (file) gets persisted and can be queried through the API.

Download image menu item in Design Mode

Supported asset types:

Asset TypeDescription
Design DXFThe layout DXF file downloaded by an Aurora user
CAD ScreenshotThe CAD screenshot (2D or 3D) downloaded by an Aurora user
CAD Auto ScreenshotThe CAD screenshot automatically captured on last in-app save in Aurora
Site Survey Request ScreenshotThe CAD screenshot automatically captured on site survey request creation in-app in Aurora
Racking Spec SheetThe racking specification document uploaded through the API
Racking Install ManualThe racking install manual uploaded through the API
Racking CertificationThe racking certification document uploaded through the API
Racking CAD FileThe racking design CAD file uploaded through the API
Racking Engineering ReportThe racking engineering report uploaded through the API
Racking Bill of MaterialsThe racking bill of materials document uploaded through the API

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