API Reference

Key Terms

As you read our documentation you may find terminology that is specific to Aurora or has a specific meaning within the Aurora application. You'll find definitions for many of these terms below.

Tenant - An instance of Aurora provisioned for your organization. Each tenant can have multiple users working on it at the same time.

Team - A group of users with access to a subset of resources such as projects and designs within a tenant.

Partner - Represents an external business whose users have access to a subset of projects within a tenant.

Project - A container for all the information for a given site and photovoltaic design. In most solar workflows, there is one project per site that has one (or more) designs inside of it.

Design - A photovoltaic design for a project that includes roof design, panel layout, stringing, storage, projected energy production, pricing and more.

Design request - A request for a design to be created by design professionals in Aurora’s Expert Design Service.

AutoDesigner - Aurora’s automated design system to generate an optimal solar design for a given roof.

Sync API - APIs available to Aurora customers and and application partners. Sync API is available to customers on Business Plans.

Design API - APIs provided by Aurora to execute design related tasks such as running AutoDesigner, irradiance analysis or performance simulations. Design APIs are an add-on to Business Plans.