API Reference

Plan Sets


Please note that the Plan Set Requests API is in limited release at this time, and is subject to change. If you are interested in accessing this API, please contact your Aurora account team.

Aurora’s Plan Set Service allows users to request a plan set within the Aurora application. Plan sets can also be requested via the API. The Plan Set Service is a paid service. You can only request plan sets for residential projects.

Once you make a plan set request, a team of professional plan set designers will create a permit-ready plan set for your project. The requests are fulfilled during business hours. Our team aims to complete them within 24 hours. Once a request is completed, you will have the opportunity to review the completed plan set document and request revisions if needed. Additionally, our team may reach out to you for additional information or clarification regarding your request in order to create a plan set document with the best chance of acceptance.

Plan set request lifecycle

Each plan set request has a status. A new plan set request begins in draft and moves to submitted status after the plan set request intake form is completed - either by you or through our concierge service. Each status change triggers the plan_set_request_status_changed webhook.

draftA created plan set request that is pending submission. While a plan set request is in draft, more information can be added through the plan set intake form.
submittedA plan set request that has been submitted to Aurora for creation of a plan set document.
rejectedA plan set request that has been rejected by Aurora. See rejection_reasons for the reason the request could not be completed as submitted.
completedA plan set request that has been completed by Aurora. Documents are available for download through the Retrieve Plan Set endpoint.

Images and documents

To supply images and documents for the plan set request, you will need to upload them to the project prior to creation of your plan set request.

See Create Project Asset for more information on how to upload files. At least one image or document is required to be uploaded to the project before creating a plan set request.

This is to ensure that Aurora’s plan set designers have enough information to complete your plan set.

Until the plan set request is submitted (see Plan set request lifecycle), you may continue to upload project assets and they will be included with the request when it is submitted to Aurora’s plan set designers.


Your request might move to rejected status if Aurora plan set designers need additional information to start the work. These are some of the rejection reasons and sub reasons that will be present in rejection_reasons:

reasonDescriptionsub_reasonsNext Steps
missing_informationThe plan set request cannot be completed because it is missing necessary information.Aurora's support team will reach out to you to gather necessary information. Once the missing information is provided, you may resubmit your request through the Aurora application.
outside_scopeThe plan set request cannot be completed because it is outside of the scope of what Aurora can provide. See sub reason(s) for why this request was rejected."Commercial Project", "Includes storage", "Includes ground mount"Aurora cannot currently provide a plan set for this project.
otherThe plan set request cannot be completed for a reason that does not fit in one of the above categories.Aurora's support team will reach out to you to clarify the rejection and discuss next steps.