Please note that these are the docs for the new version of the API released in September 2022 (v2022.09). If you started using the API before this time, you may be looking for version 2018.01 instead.
If you want to try out our API, we provide two easy ways of doing so:
Directly from our Documentation
You can use the "Try It!" feature embedded within each endpoint page of the API reference docs. This will allow you to make live calls to our sandbox environment, provided you enter a valid bearer token.

In the Aurora App
You can also try out select endpoints in the Aurora, using the API Client app. To enable the app in your tenant, navigate to the Apps settings page and select "Connect" on the "Aurora API Client". The app is available for use while in Design Mode. Open the Design Mode Extensions menu from the top navigation bar, and select "Aurora API Client" and explore API endpoints for the current project and design.

Source OpenAPI Specification
Alternatively, we provide our source OpenAPI specification that you can use to import into your tool of choice (ex. Postman, Swagger Inspector, etc).
Sync API:
Design API: