API Reference



These endpoints are now deprecated and will be removed from the next API version.

Aurora uses leads to store information about prospective solar homeowners submitted via Lead Capture AI.

How leads work

Lead sources

It’s possible to create multiple Lead Capture templates in Aurora. Each of these templates create Leads within your tenant and are delivered through a common API feed. In the API it’s possible to discern the source of each lead by referencing the template ID or template name as defined during template creation, or by referencing UTM parameters associated with your pages or campaigns.

Lead Capture AI

When a prospective solar homeowner provides contact information in Lead Capture AI, Aurora automatically creates a lead object in your tenant. You can view a lead and convert it to a project in Aurora and via API. Leads can be edited within the Aurora app.

Sync API

It's possible to add a Lead to Aurora via API by providing location and consumption information. Leads must be associated to an existing template. It's possible to then run a Solar Estimation Job for this lead which creates a system design.

Lead data

Leads API data can include contact information about the homeowner and data from the system design such as number of panels, estimated production, etc.

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